208 - Looking Forward
In the acute moments of our lives, we may find ourselves turning to God for strength. Twenty-three years ago, when I was first diagnosed with cancer, I knew no formal prayers, yet I called out to God for solace. When, with Help, with luck, with technology, we reach safe harbor, then, too, we should speak God’s name.
Two Hundred Eight
Looking Forward
The crisis is past.
Surrounded by uncertainty, I called You,
I whispered Your name in my need,
Welding my hope to Your surety.
As the abandoned chick cries for his mother,
So Your name was my heart’s message;
Fear released its hold upon me
As I rested quietly, supported by my faith.
The crisis past, I call You again,
Not for intervention, for coping skills,
But to shout my gratitude
For the infinite kindness of my survival.
Sometimes I forget, Holy One,
That each moment merits communication;
Not just in need shall I speak to You,
But in thanks, in wonder, in praise.