206 - Groundbreaking

Our congregation has had the good fortune of growth; but it has also meant that the building has been outgrown. Additionally, issues of accessibility have needed to be addressed. Now, after the business of raising funds and developing plans has been taken care of, it is time to begin.

As I browse the many synagogue websites, I see mention of Caring Communities, Groundbreaking committees, and other groups set-up to help us fulfill the mitzvah of visiting the sick.

Two Hundred Eighteen


You alone are Architect and Builder:
Bless these plans we place before You,
Making sacred our future strivings,
Lending Your strength to our endeavors.

Holy One, we build for Your glory,
Embracing our growth with new space;
The garden we planted has flourished,
Made lush with variety and abundance.

Help us build for the future,
Creating this habitat of holiness;
Let it serve our changing realities,
A place of wholeness and peace.