183 - Simchat Torah

I used to love to dance. To escape the four semesters of physical education required by my university - yes, I am that old, and we had dorm curfews, too - I took folk dance and ballroom dance. As a teenager, I adored the Israeli dancing I was taught at Union Institute camp and in my temple youth group.

Now I walk with a cane and require oxygen. When I go to shul, I use a wheelchair, because the distances are too far. Simchat Torah, the holiday of rejoicing, is bittersweet. Sitting on the sidelines, I watch the dancers and remember a time of limber joints and limitless breath.

One Hundred Eighty-Three

Simchat Torah

Leaning upon my cane, I slowly
Rise to greet the passing scrolls,
Bowing my honor, reaching out
To touch and kiss.

Here are the words at the heart:
Yisrael, Bereshit,
Our people, their beginning joined,
As blessing You, each heart is joined.

If I could dance,
I would clasp You to me,
And twirl to rollicking songs,
Embracing Your words made substance.

Let my infirmities be eased
By this splendor of rejoicing;
Let my heart dance in my body’s stead,
Let my lips sing Your praise.