181 - Shabbat Shuvah
Of course, the sanctuary is always crowded on the High Holy Days. Even with the space of the social hall added by opening the moveable door, even with two services, there is barely enough room. My wheelchair and I get priority seating, so I also get a chance to watch as the sanctuary fills. Why do people come now when they rarely if ever come during the rest of the year? What is it that draws them into the synagogue? It is as if we need this connection to our community, to Klal Yisrael - all of the Jewish people - to make the years beginning complete and possible. We all seek a way to return. I watch as people rise and sing Avinu Malkeinu, swaying as one to the melody, its tempo matching our hearts beating.
One Hundred Eighty-One
Shabbat Shuvah
I wander this path of hallowed days,
Twisting, twisting, in search of You;
My broken body slows my steps,
Burdens my weary thoughts.
Frustration and yearning mingle before You,
For You are the sum of my being;
Hints of restoration revive my spirit
As I grasp their fragile threads,
If I cannot turn and be made well,
Let me turn and be made whole;
Dislodge the distress that blocks my steps,
Bring me home to You in peace.