108 - Adar I

This month, Adar 1, is a holding pattern. Added to the calendar every few years in an irregular way that I haven’t been able to figure out, this “leap month” makes the seasons and the holidays stay in sync. No Rosh Hashanah in August or Pesach in June. We are tied to the seasons and the calendar. We are part of the moon’s cycle that links us to the earth and the heavens. Purim, the reason we are told to “Be Happy! It’s Adar!” happens next month, in the “real” Adar. In the midst of midwinter’s grayness, we have an extra month to fill with thoughts of the Eternal.

One Hundred Eight

Adar I

Where is Esther secluded in this false Adar?
Your moon must cycle again before we meet her,
As we take this stagger step
That Pesach arrives burgeoning.

Would You have us tread the living waters,
Moving in place while the season turns?
Or shall we kick off in a new direction,
Stroking forward through filtered winter light?

Perhaps like Esther, we shall spend the days
In handwork and sewing, in finely drawn letters
That line out the sweet morsels of Torah
To hang them before our eyes.

Or use the time to restack memories,
Consolidating new vocabularies to fashion praises,
To move the boxes of monotony and clear a space
To assemble our sacred obligations.

We shall sing quietly as we await the moon’s path,
Chanting together the well-loved words;
We will ready our feet to be happy in the next cycle,
Incorporating this interlude to Your honor.