60 - A Song for Chanukah
A Song for Chanukah
Your hand holds the miracles.
Outstretched, Fingers curved,
You bring it before our eyes,
Gleaming, infinite, wonders.
Before You, all eyes are lowered,
Hands shielding the radiance of Your might;
Still You hold out the miracles, separating the strands
To stream through Your fingers.
Almighty and Marvelous One,
You offer us the chance at wonder,
These shining threads that plait us up
In Your plan for the world.
Almighty and Marvelous One,
You call us to take up the light,
To push aside our spirits’ darkness
For Your Name’s sake.
At this season, the miracles appeared.
At this season, we must work for miracles.
You open Your hand
Not to pour the light upon our heads,
But to offer it as a beacon
That we might grasp it and move forward.
You open Your hand in this dark season,
As we warm each other and praise Your Name.